Monday, April 10, 2006

Back Home

I have been back in Jersey for a week now. After I left New Zealand I went to Fiji for a week which was great. I didn't leave the main island but I did go into town lots. Let's face it though, mostly I just laid out by the pool and enjoyed the sunshine and the heat. I was still staying at a hostel but I booked a room for myself which was a nice little treat for the end of my trip. It was cool because most of the people there were either beginning their trips or ending it so everyone just sat around and shared stories or asked questions. I also tried kava which is a ground up root mixed with water. It tastes like bad medicine but it makes your tongue numb and if you drink enough of it you will drool with knowing it. Any amount of kava results in a great night's sleep. A good time was had. When I got off of the plane in NY, not only were my mom, dad, and bro there but Aunt Lynn and my cousins J and Jenna were waiting for me too! It was a great surprise. Many hugs were given and I even got some Queens bagels to take home (whoopee!). Being home is good. I have just spent the week catching up with people and enjoying the fact that I am not living out of a backpack anymore. So what's next? For the time being I am just hanging in Jerz enjoying being home and catching up with everyone. At the end of May I am moving back to UMass. I got my summer job back and I get to live with my friends and just chill back at college. Not a bad deal. I got accepted to the math grad program at UC San Diego, but I am going to defer for a year. I am not ready to move to the west coast yet. Essentially (that one's for you Ed) I have no idea what I am doing from Sept 2006 to Sept 2007. I'm not worrying about it though because it will all work out. Who knows? Maybe I'll just pack my bags again and travel some more (with my imaginary money). The blog will stay up but I don't think I will add much until I travel again. If I haven't seen you yet we must get together because I have missed everyone and I want to know what's going on in everyone's lives. That is all I have to say (for now). The end.