It's been awhile. I have spent much of my time catching up with old friends and keeping in touch with the ones I made in NZ.
Sometimes it feels like I never left. Because I traveled by myself there's no one around to remind me of the things I did. No one turns to me and says "Remember that time that you took your bra off and we won a $50 beer tab? that was awesome." It's not a bad thing, it's just something that is different from all of my other travels. I have a picture of me on the Franz Josef glacier as my wallpaper on my desktop at work. That picture grounds me. Whenever I forgot about my awesome trip I get to look at that picture and a smile automatically shows on my face. Franz Josef was by far my favorite day. I felt so calm and I felt a real sense of accomplishment and adventure when I was on that glacier.
I graduated from UMass over a year ago now (eek). I never could have guessed where my life would wind up. I am back on campus and I will be here for the year. I got a job with conference services for the whole year and I somehow put my friends under a spell so that they would want me to live with them for the whole year. I am a very lucky girl.
Things are changing lots. Friends are moving away and some are choosing to move out of touch and I guess in a way I am making those choices too. I miss NZ everyday and everyday I am extremely glad that I went.