The oh so fatefull event began the night before when we were driving home from LA. There was a loud bump noise and from then on Esther's engine sounded like it was popping corn. Not much sooner after that the oil light came on. Not thinking much of it we filled Esther up with more oil the next day and headed out to the Griffith Observatory. She didn't sound too good going up the hill to the main parking lot but we got there and walked around and took some pictures:
Then it was time to get back into Esther. The popcorn noise was loud, I mean people were looking at the car loud. We got her down the mountain and pulled into the first gas station we saw. The mechanics face said it all, Esther was not driving off of this lot.
To make sure everyone understands the occasion let me give a brief history of this Saturn SL2. Bought in 1998 by Meryl and Harold Fosse(i.e. Mom and Dad), Esther served Meryl well for her long commute from NJ to the Bronx. Esther was the car that I took my driving test in and once Meryl decided to purchase another Saturn, Esther became mine. She survived a road trip across the country with my parents and all of my stuff. She made it to 198,000 miles. She was an awesome car.
Saying good bye to my car.
I am so thankful that these two were here!
The very nice tow truck guy. He towed us the 30-odd miles back to Claremont AND put up with us playing name that tune. Thank you AAA.
Good bye Esther!
I wound up having to sell Esther for $200.00. It was a sad day indeed. This car had a lot of memories for me and my family. It will be missed.
How am I getting around now you may ask? The answer is worthy of an entirely different blog post and I swear it won't take me 6 months to post it!