Thursday, April 17, 2008

Roadkill Etiquette

It's finals time here at CGU and as I was leaving the library tonight and driving home, someone's house cat ran into the middle of the street. I gasped and slammed on my brakes and luckily I didn't hit the cat. But my mind started to wander as I continued driving and the question arose, what would I have done if I had actually hit the cat? I mean clearly I would have felt bad, but what is the etiquette? It was midnight, do you knock on doors to let people know what happened and try to find the owner? Do you just move the cat to the sidewalk so it doesn't keep getting run over? or do you just drive away and feel bad for awhile?

These are things that go through my mind after a marathon library session....


Anonymous said...

Ok its 3:00 in the morning. You are by yourself. This is what you would do...........Feel Bad and keep driving !!!!!!!!!!

Love you

Anonymous said...

Here in the Garden State our Legislature tackled this same question, and came up withh the "Dead Cat Bill."

If you hit a Cat in New Jersey you are required to Stop and try to find the Owner. If you don't stop, you can get a summons.

Of course, the fact that owner of the cat is not supposed to let it run "Free" is completely overlooked by the Mental Midgets of Trenton.

