That's right...I am leaving Wellington. It has been fun while I was here and I enjoyed being settled for a bit but now it's time to move on. So right after Christmas I am heading back up north to the east coast of NZ to a town called Napier. There I will camp, yes tent and sleeping bag camp, for 3 weeks. I am really excited about it. I am looking foward to having nothing to do, not even anything touristy. And the camp site I am going to isn't geared towards backpackers, it's more for the locals so I will be meeting more Kiwis which is always a plus. The cool thing is that there is a hostel attached so I still have access to toilets and a kitchen. So its roughing it but not really roughing it. The best part is that I will be out of the hostels for a bit. No window wars for me for awhile.
Speaking of the window wars. ..the other night I was sleeping and John, my window war enemy, came in and walked to the window to close it. I popped out of bed and asked if he wouldn't mind keeping the window open since it gets really hot in the room overnight with eight people sleeping in it with no window open. He said he guesses so but that he likes it shut since it's so loud outside. He had a valid point. The backpackers is right in downtown Wellington where all the bars are so you can hear the music all the time. It doesn't matter if he had a point though. I said back to him that there were at least two people in the room who snored (him included) so the chances of it ever being quiet in the room were impossible so we might as well have some fresh air. Obviously he couldn't argue with my flawless logic and since then he has left the window open. The kicker to the story is the very next night a new person stayed in the room and as he went to bed he closed the window. Same war just a different enemy.

The King Kong premiere was good. There wasn't that many people but it was still nice to see everything done up. They had the red carpet and they did up the embassy theater to look like a 1930s theater. Besides having the stars walk down the red carpet they also had extras dressed in 30s garb walking down to go to the movie it was nice. Here is the only pic I got though.
Ok so before I leave Wellington there some more

Below is a pic of one of the trees that I wrote about before. This is the NZ Christmas tree in full bloom.

So that's it from me for awhile. The plan while in Napier is to try and stay as far away from computers as possible. I think I am a little too connected and although I love sharing my experiences with everyone I think it'll be better if the blogs are longer instead of me blogging so much.
I hope everyone has a good holiday season and enjoys the cold weather for me. Happy New Year!
Peace out.
What am I going to read while I'm bored at work?!?!?!? Glad to hear you're moving on to bigger and better things like tents and sleeping bags. Have a great Christmas and New Years!!! I will be doing my last minute Christmas shopping without you this year. :-( Miss you!!
PS - I found the Beatstock tix. (the original ones)
E-diggity! I must say I'm a bit sad that you won't be blogging very frequently just as I'm in a place when I can be following your blog regularly! But, I am also psyched for you that you are going to get some real NZ time. It sounds amazing!
You best have a happy holiday season! I can't wait to hear more!
I hope you read this before Christmas. I want to wish you a very merry christmas and happy new year. I love you and miss you and Christmas shopping on christmas eve won't be the same. Be careful and have a great time sleeping in a tent in peace and quiet.
Peace out.
ASSSSSS !!!! When were you going to tell me you had a blog. I could smack you but I won't because you are eons away!
Have fun camping and soul searching! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and be safe!
I'll here from you when I hear from you.
Glad you hear you would be able to enjoy a Christmas Day there. Danielle says it is not the same when it is warm. It will be good to see what you think of it. Hope you have a great New Year there and I can't wait to see you and hear more of your experiences.
Aunt Janet
Okay, I realize that I've already posted a comment to this entry, but since there are no new ones, I figured I'd just post again. Plus, after reading Molly's comment, it made me laugh and made me want to jump into the "conversation."
Hope Christmas and New Years were good!
Ok Elyse enough of not having access to e-mail. WE WANT BLOG UPDATES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love you and miss you
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