Thursday, March 02, 2006


I made it to Christchurch and I think it is my favorite city in NZ. It's the most populated city in the South Island and it is full of characters. The main gathering place in the city is Cathedral Square. There is (of course) a cathedral but there are also vendors and street acts all around. It was a fairly nice day out yesterday so I hung out in the square...and I met the Wizard. The Wizard is mentioned in my lonely planet tour book and he is def a celebrity here. Everyday at around 1pm he blows a horn and stands up on a green ladder in the square and starts a speech. He wears a black robe and a black wizard hat. The speech I heard yesterday from him was quite entertaining.

According to him, religion is just a form of baby farming. Also women are the cause of all of the worlds problems. As he puts it women are a pain in the ass but we can't help it because it's just in our nature. Also before priests were in control men were hunters and gatherers. After the priests were in control men had to become farmers and interested in agriculture. And the women domesticated these men, hence animal husbandry. Also motherhood is the cause of all war since if every mother has more than two babies they need more space and the only way to get that space is to go to war with their neighbors for their land.

Also the Greeks invented "motherbloody nature!" which according to the wizard is a worse thing than gods. So essentially, gods were invented by priests, nature was invented by greek businessmen, therefore everything is bull designed by rulers.

According to the wizard he is the official wizard of NZ. Apparently he has a piece of paper from the Prime Minister saying it. And if you have a piece of paper saying something it must be true. The wizard then went on to explain how he was going to turn the Earth upside down. Essentially he wants to turn all of the maps south side at the top. It was pretty interesting.

The wizard is about 70years old and he is quite an interesting guy. Whats great is he takes himself completely seriously so when he talks he conveys his ideas with great conviction. It really does captivate you.

Tomorrow I am going to a rugby game. For 20 bucks I get two free beers at a bar, a ticket to the game and a return bus. Not a bad deal. The next day I am leaving Christchurch for Kaikoura which is my last stop in the South Island. It's sad to think that this trip is almost over but I will be glad to get out of the South Island. It's getting cold here. The north should still be warm though since it is farther away from antartica. After Kaikoura it's back up to Wellington for a couple of days and then I start to slowly make my way back up to Auckland to fly out.

But for the rest of this afternoon I am going back to Cathedral Square and I am going to listen to the wizard again. Peace out


Anonymous said...

Great deal $20 for 2 beers, a bus ride, and a Rugby Game. And as far as the Wizard goes, if he has a piece of paper, it must be so. He seems to be correct on a few of the point you mentioned (i.e. his observations about women). And where is Molly? She usually the 1st comment. Is she mad at you? See you in 29.

Anonymous said...

Ok sooooooooo, this wizard guy is way to scary. Don't you be listening to closly to him. I don't want you getting off the plane April 2nd trying to sell flowers wearing sandles and ringing bells.

Love and miss you

Anonymous said...

haha, I loved meryl's comments about you getting off the plane and wearing sandles, ringing bells and selling flowers!!!! hahaha, anyways, i just sent you an email about the misfits (jersey punk rock LEGENDS) playing on march 21 and 22 in auckland and wellington. If you get the chance, you must go! It would be amazing to see the misfits in NZ! haha, anyways, that wizard character sounds sketchy, yet entertaining if you don't take his info. to heart!! haha, ttyl! and SEE you soon!