At this point we had been on the water for about an hour and a half. They had said that usually they see about two whales per trip. So I was thinking that we were going to head back to land. Instead they said that there was a dusky dolphin sighting around here and that we were going to check it out. For another half hour we traveled around and I sat there having a serious debate with myself. I was feeling ill but I had taken the medicine so the illness I was feeling was probably not physical but mental. So I just sat there and put my head down and took a nap for a bit. When I woke up I felt much better and the boat was surrounded by 100 or so dusky dolphins. I went out onto the deck and the crew members played "What a Wonderful World" over the loudspeaker as we all took in the magic of seeing 100plus dolphins swimming around and jumping in their natural habitat. It was a really great experience that brought a huge smile to my face. All in all despite the motion sickness it was worth it. It was a nice way to end my trip to the South Island.
Yesterday I took the ferry and today I am back in Wellington. I am staying at Ed's house and took today to meet up with the cleaner's from Base and hang out at Eat. While I was at Base I ran into some of the people I had cleaned with and we caught up on each other's travels. It was really good. Unfortunately my stay in Wellington is really short. I leave tomorrow for Taupo. I have already been to Taupo but the reason for going this time is that there is a day walk there that is considered one of the Great Walks of NZ. It is called the Tongariro Crossing. It takes between 6-8 hours and the terrain can be quite steep at times but the benefit is that the environments you cross over are amazing. You go from flatland to walking inside a giant crater to getting a view of some lakes and seeing the Mountain that was Mount Doom in Lord of the Rings. A lot of travelers have done this walk and have raved about it so I am excited to finally do it. I will be doing it with another girl a met so it's a bonus that I won't be doing it alone.
So the next blog will be after the Crossing. The Crossing is the last big thing that I have planned for NZ. After that I am just cruising with the bus. Here are some pics to keep you going.
A whale surfacing
The money shot
One of the many Dusky Dolphins jumping (I feel he was just jumping for me)
The Kaikoura mountain range

All of these pictures make me feel like a very luck girl for having the chance to travel to New Zealand and take them. It's starting to hit that I will be leaving this beautiful country in less than a month. I am excited to see everyone but I am starting to get a little sad that this experience is winding down. But I will not think about it all yet. That's what Fiji is for. For now I will enjoy the rest of my time here and soak up as much of this beautiful scenery as I can. Peace out.
Yes, your time in NZ is becoming short. Looking back over the pictures, there are Pelicans, Seals, Sea Lions, and now Whales and Dolphins. All I can say is... WHERE ARE THE FLIPPING PENGUINS???
Anyway, it looks like you have had a Whale of a time (sorry)
Love you and see you in 25.
Oh Baby,
What can I say you know I feel your pain with the motion sickness, but whales and dolphins. I can't wait to see the rest of the pictures. what a great shot of the wizard. He looks like he was straight out of Harry Potter.
Oy, Harold a "Whale of a Time". keep that up and she'll never come home.
Ok have a great rest of the trip. I am being verrrrrrrrrrrry selfish but I do miss you.
And............Happy 23rd Birthday. Oh my gosh your spending your 23rd B-D in New Zealand. How cool is that?
Hey Smelyse,
I wasn't in Dallas, I was in Florida. Good guess tho, I go there in two weeks. Sorry I haven't responded to your email yet I just came back to work today. I'll wrtie this week. You'll be home soon YAY! And I second your mom's excitment about the wizard ... dolphins and whales are a dime a dozen .. who getst o see a wizard hehe!
I second Molly " on you'll be home soon" Yippie !!!!!!!!!!
Great Pics! Happy birthday to Fosse! We'll have a belated birthday party when you get back. And, what's St. Patty's Day going to be without you?!?!
Miss you,
Can't wait till you get home. I think you should consider taking up photography just in case you get burnt out as a mathemagician. Your pics are amazing and it's a great hobby if you can afford it. Lots of celebrating will be done when you come home.
Hope you have a great birthday in NZ
Love Ya.
Can't wait till you get home. I think you should consider taking up photography just in case you get burnt out as a mathemagician. Your pics are amazing and it's a great hobby if you can afford it. Lots of celebrating will be done when you come home.
Hope you have a great birthday in NZ
Love Ya.
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