Sunday, September 16, 2007

Things I love right now

Private Schools:
They apologized for making me wait five minutes to see a financial aid officer AND they gave me a cookie while I waited. Then I actually met with the woman and she knew my name and pointed me into the direction of where I could find a job on campus. Poof! Two days later I am employed.

I work for the Office of Communications and primary job is to search the web for stories that mention CGU or any of our professors. I also upkeep their photo database and provide the photos for the brochures and things that are made for the campus. I also get to help proof read the university magazine and apparently I might have to write for it too (yikes). The people are ok. They are a little stand-offish right now but I think what it is is that they are just low key people who don't talk a lot, boy are they in for a surprise with me. Everyone working there is a student which means they are really flexible around class schedules, always a bonus.

BBQs at Private Schools:
Yeah the burgers were burnt and the cookies were a little stale, but there was beer! and wine! As much of it that you wanted to drink for free! I also got to meet some more people on campus. Everyone seems really nice and a lot of people are in the same boat that I am in, just adjusting to moving here and trying to find our respective niches. It's always good to have a few more people know your name.

My Landlady:
She hasn't rented her house out before and you can tell. She's trying to find that line between hovering mother and responsible landlady. I didn't come home one night and she told me the next day that she decided not to worry unless I didn't come home for three days in a row. I told her I appreciate her worry and her restraint on panicking. All I can picture now is me out and about and she frantically calling Jersey saying I am lost. Oy.

She also is on every health kick published on the internet. She bought this jug of Aloe Juice. I thought it was something that you pour down clogged drains but apparently you drink it to encourage something or other in your body. I watched her drink it and let me tell you, it did not look appetizing. It looked like she just too her first tequila shot of the night. A day later she sent me an email about the bad effects of sodium benzoate which is in the lovely diet soda that I drink constantly. Fortunately, sodium benzoate is also in that aloe juice so she had a reason to throw the jug out without drinking the whole nasty substance.

I've always loved tivo but now I have one of my very own.

They are everywhere! I got to make my own work schedule and it just so happens that I get off of work by noon on Fridays. Thus Friday is my beach day. I got to the beach, sleep, tan, read, do anything I want. It's pretty glorious. The great weather everyday isn't bad either, I try to spend a couple of hours outside everyday. There's this great walking trail right by the house that I've been using that's pretty good. I don't mind exercising, as long as I am getting a tan to boot.

Oh and I guess classes:
My classes seem pretty interesting. They are def going to be challenging but I think(hope) I can do it. The profs seem really accessible so I just need to utilize them. I am taking two classes, both are stats and one has to do with using stats to predict the functions of certain molecules in the body based on their molecular composition. It sounds pretty interesting.

I guess you can say I am settling in quite nicely.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Already not coming home at night?!?! Guess you are adjusting quite well. Well at least Meryl has a spy out on you. Your landlady is probably sending her weekly emails on your status. Glad to hear you're having fun. You'll have to teach those people on the west coast how to BBQ and make it good!!!! Remember always use SPF! Miss you!
