Since the hostel is getting busier they decided to put all of the people working for accomodation into one room. So now I share my 8 bed dorm room with 4 guys. It's not too bad yet, but I am a little anxious about it. Mainly...boys smell. And I am even neater than them. Check it out. Everything I own fits into my drawer underneath my bed. And it still is that neat. You should all be impressed.But I am keeping an open mind about. All of them seem really nice and laid back, except for this one guy who I find annoying. But this is only for a month and it's not like I spend that much time in my room anyway so it shouldn't be too bad. If anything it should lead to more stories for the blog.
Walking around Wellington I get to meet a lot of random people that make this a city. For example there is Blanket Man. For serious that is what everyone calls him. He is a thin guy who has a blanket wrapped around him at all times and grey dreads. He walks around barefoot listening to his mp3 player. He just rocks and dances to the music or he just chills on the sidewalk and watches everyone go by. He's wicked nice too. He doesn't ask for money or anything he just asks how your day is going and continues to rock out to his music.
Blanket Man used to be my favorite person in the city. My new favorite is yet to be named. This guy sets up a microphone, a speaker, and two bowls to collect change. Then he hums. That's it. He just stands there staying out into space never making eye contact and just hums into the microphone. He doesn't even hum a tune or anything. He legitamately just hums. He's my new favorite because he moves all of this stuff around on a bicycle and is humming day and night. Maybe I will call him Humming Man.

I might go to a rock club tonight. I haven't been out much since I started working and it should be a good show tonight. Also since I don't have my ipod anymore I am craving some music. Yep, tonight I think I will rock out like Blanket Man.