Thursday, November 17, 2005

Eat gourmet burgers and then some

Yesterday I started my new job at "Eat, Gourmet Burgers." The people are really nice and by the end of the shift I had been bumped up from ten hours a week to 20. Today I came in and was bumped up to 30 hours a week. I am psyched. The more money I save now means the more adventures I can go on when I head to the South Island and to Fiji. It works out that I clean in the hostel from 10-1 and then I go into work at 5. So I still have the afternoon to hang out around Wellington and just hang at the beach. Whoo hoo. I couldn't have planned this to work out soo well. The job is until Christmas eve so my new idea is that I will stay in Wellington until the New Years and the look for a job on a farm for a month or so. When am I ever going to get the chance to work on a farm again? I have to try it out.

Ohh and it turns out that I don't flip the burgers. They are baked.

I have actually been in Wellington long enough that people that I traveled on buses with to Wellington are already back here after going to the South Island. It's really funny. A couple of them saw me and their eyes went wide and they said "You're still here" in this surprised tone. I laughed to myself and then I explained to them what I was doing. I think next time it happens I will make up a story like I am working in a brothel or something.

Speaking of brothels...apparently there is one right around the corner. Today my cleaning supervisor Ian asked if I was still looking for a job. I said yes and he told me about a job that would be in the mornings before I start cleaning in the hostel and it would pay 12.50 an hour. I was intrigued until he told me I would be cleaning for the brothel! Ewwwwwww. And he said how the women who usually clean the brothel also worked in the hostel but both have disappeared. In a split second I weighed the pros and cons of the job. (Pro: 12.50 an hour, Brothel cleaner on my resume; Con: cleaners tend to disappear and who knows what I would find in there). I kindly turned down the job offer and explained to Ian how I found the burger job and so I wouldn't need his help in directing me towards further employment opportunities.

I got a Wellington library card so now I can hang on the beach with all of the good books that I want to read. Dorky yet exciting. And no there won't be any math books (well at least not ones that contain problems to do).

The Christmas trees that bloom red flowers are starting to bloom. I will take some pictures of them once they are in full effect.

There is this horrible duo of guitarists singing in the bar right below me. Even I can tell that they aren't in key. They sure aren't the guitar dudes. I def miss wednesdays back at umass. sigh. I have to end this blog I can't stand to hear them sing U2 With or Without You. They are at the point where Bono is ooohhhohohohing and it is t-e-r-r-i-b-l-e.


Anonymous said...

Ok there will be noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cleaning brothels in your future. Don't make me come over there and make sure Ian understands that you are doing just fine. LOL Remember you still want to shear sheep and pick kiwi's
Oy do you have stories.
Love you

Anonymous said...

Hey, brothels huh? I can't believe you even thought about it for a second. Actually, I can believe it, you're crazy! Anywho, so now you just place the soon-to-be-baked burgers in the oven? Glad to hear you'll be making money and don't forget to go to your local UPS Store and ship our Christmas gifts back home. LOL! Have fun!

Miss you,

Anonymous said...

OMG I just caught up. Congrats on your newly found employment. I'm sure you'll be employee of the year there in no time LOL. The pics are awesome as usaul, I'm a sucker for animal pics, So is Steph LOL. Meryle gave me your post card. Let me know when you get ours.

Love Ya. Peace

Anonymous said...

OK so now that you can make the hamburgers will you continue this when you return home. I'm glad you decided against cleaning the brothel. I think grandpa would have been the only one that would have enjoyed stories about that.
Aunt Janet