Monday, November 21, 2005

Quiz Night

My English boys, Nate and Alan, were back in Wellington for one night last night. Last night was also the quiz night at the basement bar at the hostel. The prize was a fifty dollar bar tab. We created a team and got two other people, Ed and Jacky from their Kiwi bus to join. Alan and I had done the quiz the last time he was here and we remembered that on top of the questions there was also bonus rounds. The bonus rounds were like treasure hunts. The dj would say he wanted a bra and guys underwear and the first team to run up with both things in their hands would win the bonus rounds. The bonus rounds were worth 1000 points so essentially if you won them you won the quiz (yes we won a bonus round last time and yes it was my bra that was taken off so speedily, but nothing was seen). Our team this time decided to be a little dorky and think ahead...Alan put a pair of boxers in his pocket and I had a bra in mine.

After the first round of the quiz the dj does a bonus round. It turns out to be scooter race around the pool table. The next bonus round was that a teammate had to spin with his head down on a broom five times and then race around the pool table. Ed did this one for our team. He spun and then started to run but he ran the wrong way and ran straight into the dj booth. When he finally sorted himself out and started running the right way he got to the pool table and instead of running around it managed to put his hands on the table and jump over it, without messing up the pool game that was being played. We lost that round but it was a good effort on Ed's part and he got a free drink at the bar for the pool gymnastics.

The last bonus round Nate did. He had to race around the pool table on a bouncy ball. We lost.

We were getting a decent amount of the questions right. They were mostly name the song and the artist which we were really good at. So it comes down to the last bonus round. It's worth something ridiculous like 10000 points so basically whoever wins this one will win the bar tab. The dj says that he wants a bra, a pair of boxers, two t-shirts and a pair of jeans. Alan and I rip out our boxers and bra, Nate drops his jeans AND his shirt (so he is now standing in the middle of the bar in his a bad nightmare), and Ed takes off his shirt. I run it all up to the dj and we win. Hahah we got the 50 dollar bar tab. We also got a pair of sandals each and a condom sponsored by some vodka.

Well we had each drank a pitcher of beer during the quiz and now we were given five more pitchers of beer to enjoy. The bar closed with Frank Sinatra singing "New York, New York" and we were all dancing around doing the rockettes kicks and singing along. Needless to say it was an enjoyable night but this morning was a little rough. I had to bathrooms again at work...booo. So Nate and Alan are gone from NZ but we all exchanged emails so I have no doubt that they will be coming to the states when I am back. Ed will be back in Wellington in a couple weeks and I think we will try to win that bar tab again.

It was a random and good night.


Anonymous said...

Ok so you are realllllllllllllllly having a good time. Thats my girl always be prepared and antcipate what you might need at any given time.

Love and miss you

Anonymous said...

I love it! Bras, boxers, random guys standing in bars practically naked. Can't get much better than that. Congrats on winning some free beer.


Anonymous said...

Elyse you are having a great time and I am proud of your ingenuity on the quiz, way to go.

Aunt Janet

Anonymous said...

haha, nothing beats doing silly things for free beer. warped tour comes to mind... sounds like you guys had a great time, we should organize a quiz night at Kerwins, i can almost see dancing francine running around the bar for $50 worth of free alcohol!!! actually the thought of that is a little scary! anyways, have fun, ttyl!!!

Anonymous said...

Now you know why your Mom always said to have "clean underwear" on you (whether it was on or not) was for times like these!! are having lots of fun...