Wednesday, November 09, 2005


Mischief night was last weekend. It was weird. Basically everyone just chilled by the beach and the city had a fireworks display shoot off from a barge in the middle of the sea. But before and after the city's display, everyone else got to shoot of the fireworks that they bought at the supermarket. Ha it kind of reminded of the fourth of July in Brooklyn how when we were little we went inside and we just kept on hearing the loud booms of M-80s and stuff like that. Instead of blowing up the telephone booth like they did in Brooklyn, the Welly's threw the loud stuff into the street as cars drove by. I stayed out for a little bit but since I had nothing that I felt like lighting on fire I went back to the hostel.

I was supposed to go to my try out for the zoo tomorrow but the girl who said she was leaving the zoo isn't anymore so there is no room at the zoo for me. Which works out since I got a call today from a food place around the corner from my hostel. I went in for a try out at 6 and it looks like I got the job. The boss, Nic is going to let me know for sure tomorrow. So what kind of food is it? Well none other than gourmet hamburgers! That's right no waitressing for me. Instead I will be in the kitchen taking orders and making burgers. The gourmet part is that they are baked and stuff like mushrooms or blue cheese is put on them. It's take out only. I think of it like an upscale McDonald's. Everyone there seems really nice and laid back which is good. The pay isn't great, only slightly above minimum wage and for right now I am only working ten hours a week. Also they only want me until Christmas Eve (or was it New Year's eve?) I don't remember. But despite all of the downsides I figure its money in my pocket and they will fall in love with me (as all of my past employers have) and then I will get more hours which will lead to more money. Also I am not finished looking for a job. I put my cv into a job agency here so if they come up with something better I will take it. So for now I am flipping burgers every wednesday and thursday from 5-10pm (no I don't have to wear a hair net) and vacuuming the hostel everyday from 10-1. Apparently my showers weren't streak free enough so I got moved back to vacuuming and making beds. I am incredibly relieved. Not too shabby.

For right now I think this is as settled as I am going to get. I do really want to get a flat but I don't think it's going to be possible. The whole point of the job is to save up more money so that when I hit the south island sometime in February and then go to Fiji I will be able to do all of the activities that I want to do, like go whale watching or go find me some yellow eyed penguins. The flat would just take money away from that since right now I can get my accomodation for free. It's not the perfect of circumstances but it's not worst either.

I'm a couple days ahead but just in case I don't blog before it, Happy Anniversary Meryl and Harold (aka Mom and Dad)!


Anonymous said...

Guess my obsession with pledge has paid off for you. Remember "Mommy clean"

Love you,

Anonymous said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY MERYL AND HAROLD!!! And yes we can attest that Fosse's previous employers have fallen in love with her. We didn't even want to hire her at first. LOL! Now she's been the Employee of the Year for 4 years straight! Have fun flipping burgers. Now you'll have to run the grill at Beatstock's tailgating next year.

Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Lets just hope that the burgers you make there are better than the burgers we have so famously messed up at my house!!!! You don't wanna give anyone food poisoning because they ate raw burgers!! Good Luck, glad you got a job!!

ps. happy anniversary fosses!!!